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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy :

ByKaza uses a number of different cookies on this site to enhance your shopping experience. By continuing to browse the ByKaza site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.. If you are not happy you can choose at any time not to accept cookies from our site or from any other site changing the settings of your browser at the following link :

However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.
In general, cookies are small text files that are placed on your device by websites that you visit if you agree. Cookies help ByKaza’s site to collect information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings and choices that can make your next visit easier and make the site more user friendly. ByKaza uses both “session cookies” and “persistent cookies”. Session cookies are cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your internet browser. On the contrary persistent cookies are cookies that remain stored on your device until they reach a defined expiration date (which can be minutes, days or several months in the future). ByKaza uses both “first party cookies” and “third party cookies”. First party cookies are cookies that belong to ByKaza, while third party cookies are set by different other parties (e.g. advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services). We have no control over third party cookies. If you want a more detailed guidance on cookies we recommend you to visithttp://www.aboutcookies.org

Specifically, the cookies that may be used on this site fall into the four categories described in the table below. The following information describes the categories of cookies we use and the relevant purposes. These descriptions can help you determine if and how you would like to interact with ByKaza’s site.

First ByKaza uses “strictly necessary cookies” that are essential in order to enable you to visit the site and utilize its features, to provide the online services you have asked for (e.g. to produce your bill at checkout; to save the products in the basket during the shopping) and to increase the security of your data (e.g. to detect repeated failed login attempts).

Second ByKaza uses “functionality cookies” that record information about settings and choices you have made and allow ByKaza to tailor the site on the basis of your needs when you return to the site (e.g. depending on your location and language preferences once you have logged in).

Third ByKaza uses also “analytical/performance cookies” that collect anonymous information about your experience on the site, how users move around the site, and to allow ByKaza to fix bugs and improve the site (e.g. to know which pages you go to most often; to know if you get any error message to certain pages).

Last but not least, ByKaza uses “targeting cookies” that record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed in order to make the ads more relevant to your needs and interests (e.g. to monitor the effectiveness of the ads; to show ads based on sites you have visited).

The table below explains in detail the cookies used and why.




Life span

Strictly necessary cookies

ByKaza + 77Tracking

We use information held about you in the following ways:

  • To ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.
  • To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us.
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so.
  • To notify you about changes to our service.
  • We do not disclose information about identifiable individuals to any third party, but we may provide third party with aggregate information for statistical purposes. We may also use such aggregate information to help reach the kind of audience we want to target and promote our products and services in a more efficient way.

Varies, up to 1 year

Functionality cookies

Google Analytics

Track website performance using aggregated reporting.
Google Analytics is Google’s analytics tool that helps website and app owners to understand how their visitors engage with their properties. It may use a set of cookies to collect information and report website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google.
In addition to reporting website usage statistics, the Google Analytics pixel tag can also be used, together with some of the advertising cookies described above, to help show more relevant ads on Google properties (like Google Search) and across the web.
Learn more about Analytics cookies and privacy information

Varies, up to 2 years
Google Analytics Cookie Usage

Functionality cookies
Analytical/Performance cookies


As you browse ByKaza website, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. Our display advertising partner, AdRoll, then enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with ByKaza website. The techniques our partners employ do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address, or telephone number.  You can visit this page to opt out of AdRoll’s and their partners’ targeted advertising.

Up to 14 months:https://www.adroll.com/about/privacy


Things like cookies and pixels are used to understand and deliver ads and make them more relevant to you.

For example, we may read a cookie so we can serve you ads that may be interesting to you on Facebook or other websites. We may also use a cookie to learn whether someone who was served an ad on Facebook later visited the advertiser’s site. Similarly, our partners may use a cookie or another similar technology to determine whether we’ve served an ad and how it performed or provide us with information about how you interact with them. We also may work with a partner to serve you an ad on or off Facebook, such as after you’ve visited the partner’s site or app and this may involve the use of cookies, local storage on your device or other similar technologies.

These tools tell us when you’re logged in, so we can show you the appropriate experience and features.

For example, cookies, local storage and similar technologies tell us when you are logged in to Facebook so we can show you relevant and social information when you visit other websites that use our social plugins. We also use this information to understand how people use our Platform and other apps and services.

Life span

Analytical/Performance cookies

Google Ads

We use cookies to make advertising more engaging to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers. Some common applications of cookies are to select advertising based on what’s relevant to a user; to improve reporting on campaign performance; and to avoid showing ads the user has already seen.

Google uses cookies, like the PREF, NID, and SID cookies, to help customize ads on Google properties, like Google Search. For example, we use such cookies to remember your most recent searches, your previous interactions with an advertiser’s ads or search results, and your visits to an advertiser’s website. This helps us to show you customized ads on Google.

We also use cookies for advertising we serve across the web. Our main advertising cookie on non-Google sites is called ‘id’ and it is stored in browsers under the domain doubleclick.net. We use others with names such as _drt_, FLC, and exchange_uid.

Sometimes a cookie may be set on the domain of the site you are visiting. In the case of our DoubleClick product, a cookie called ‘__gads’ may be set on the domain of the site you are visiting.

Other Google properties, like YouTube, may also use DoubleClick cookies to show you more relevant ads. Find out more about ads and YouTube.

Google also uses conversion cookies whose main purpose is to help advertisers determine how many times people who click on their ads end up purchasing their products. These cookies allow Google and the advertiser to determine that you clicked the ad and later visited the advertiser site. Conversion cookies are not used by Google for interest-based ad targeting and persist for a limited time only. These cookies are generally set in the googleadservices.com or google.com/ads domain. Conversion cookie data may also be used in combination with your Google account to link conversion events across different devices you use. Only anonymous conversion data gathered from these cookies is shared with advertisers.

Some of our other cookies may be used to measure conversion events as well. For example, DoubleClick and Google Analytics cookies may also be used for this purpose and may be set in the domain of the site you are visiting.

Varies, up to 2 years for remarketing cookies